
Create a breakthrough TV campaign showcasing the  new strategy and branding... but make it a musical.

The Brief

Simply and effectively convey Vrbo's "Perfect Match" value proposition to our diverse segments of vacationers.

"Perfect Match" - Vrbo does the hard work matching travelers to the perfect place to stay. Our website finds the perfect size, shape, price and location especially for your dream vacation.

The Execution

Matchmaker - Everyone has a different idea of a perfect vacation, which is one of the largest reasons why planning said vacation becomes so hectic. Too many people + too many opinions + too many options = analysis paralysis. Vrbo’s "perfect match" promise takes your quirks, likes, dislikes - everything that makes you and your party unique - and match you with a vacation home that is perfectly tailored to your needs.

With heightened, whimsical characters and matching homes, we employ fantastical narrative to illustrate this perfect match story in a clear, communicative, and catchy way. A charming adventure about three very particular families getting exactly what they want out of their vacation home.


Look to the behavior of TV before DVR, and launch a weekly show. School of Guac, led by our host–Hallie Peño, was our take on an after-school special meets variety program meets satirical news program. Our audience: HS and college kids craving some mid-afternoon Chipotle.


The premiere season of School of Guac ran for 11 episodes, including a Halloween special, on-the-ground Election Day coverage, and other cultural milestones, such as Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday. Each episode was teased and promoted on our other social channels with trailers, cutdowns and even re-runs.


Agency - In-House
Client - Vrbo
Role - Creative Direction, Design Direction

ACD - Neil Petty
Director - Todd Strauss-Schulsson
Production - Prettybird
Editing - Exile
Post - Electric Theatre Collective
Stylist - Shirley Kurata
Choreographer - Nick Kenkel

"There are bright colors, clever lyrics and, dammit, some of the more enjoyable music and cavorting we’ve seen....Good ads like this one are a treat to watch."

- AdWeek

"...the ad pairs colorful visuals with rollicking choreography and a memorable jingle..."

- Shots

"[Vrbo] mentions being bold and taking risks with the new brand which, yeah, is not apparent yet. The ad below begs to differ."

- UnderConsideration


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